Standard Painting Level
Resin and metal miniatures deep cleaned to remove any residue from the casting process.
Sprue joints cut and trimmed with any large pieces of flashing removed.
Mold lines cleaned up as best as possible. Some areas depending on location may be left untouched.
Plastic miniatures bonded securely using plastic glue.
Resin and metal miniature glued using superglue or epoxy.
Joints pinned on large parts where necessary on resin and metal miniatures.
Undercoated using a suitable primer to ensure proper adhesion of paint.
Paints & Washes
Painted using a range of high quality base paints such as Pro Acryl, AK Interactive and Citadel.
Suitable coloured washes applied where necessary to help accentuate the fine details and tie the colours together.
Metallic & Technical Paints
Paints such as Vallejo Metal Colours and Citadel Typhus Corrosion used where necessary.
Base rims painted and a suitable covering applied.
A satin polyurethane varnish is evenly applied by airbrush to help protect the models from general handling and colour fade.
Securely Packaged
All miniatures get securely packaged using zip lock bags or bubble wrap to prevent paint rubbing off during transit.